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Notice under D.lgs. n. 196/2003 (Privacy Legislation)
In accordance with current legislation please note: personal information which is collected and processed electronically will be used to send you further commercial information and offers for promotional, statistical and market research purposes; consent to the use of personal information is optional and you may refuse to receive commercial information and offers. The person concerned may: request confirmation of the existence or otherwise of information about them; request that information used unlawfully be deleted or made unavailable; request that details be updated and added; the person concerned is also entitled to object to the use of personal information in whole or in part.

Having read this Notice and in accordance with my lawful rights I consent to the use of the information provided by me in this form for the purposes and to the extent described in the Notice.

Viale Don Carlo Bernardi 23
31020 San Zenone degli Ezzelini - Treviso
P.IVA 04936180266 e C.F. ZRDSFN78T26C111U
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